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Gardom Lake Bible Camp & Retreat Centre

This is some blog description about this site

2024 Dates and Rates


2024 Brochure. Final png

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Gardom Lake Bible Camp 2021 Summer Breakdown


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Gardom January 2021 Update

_DSC4496 January 2021

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Fall 2020 Camper Update

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Covid-19 Health and Safety Plan

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Summer 2020 Update

Summer 2020 Update from Gardom Lake Bible Camp (GLBC)

To our Campers, Families, Staff, Volunteers and Community,

You have been on our hearts and in our prayers as we have made decisions regarding our summer programs.

With over 45 years in operation, GLBC has held fast to our mission to encourage personal growth in a camping environment for all ages and stages of life through spiritual, recreational and educational experiences. Ensuring the health and safety of our campers, staff, and their families is our highest priority. We have been actively monitoring COVID-19 and have been working hard to adjust our plans for Summer 2020. Based on the direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry and the BC Camps Association, we have made the difficult decision to suspend and cancel all programs through August 31, 2020.

We know this is difficult and disappointing news, however, we trust that you understand that our highest priority is the health and wellness of our community. Those of us connected to Gardom Lake know that we are involved and attend camp because we are connected to the mission and values that camp brings to our daily life. We will miss connecting in person this summer!

We have been working on developing a plan for all financial needs as we understand the financial hardships that many are encountering. We will be issuing full refunds to all campers registered for the 2020 season. Please be patient with us as this process can take several weeks. 

We also want to take this opportunity to encourage those who can, to give. Any donations given to Gardom are of the upmost importance to the future and longevity of the camp and ministry. We are grateful for your generosity and thank you for your support! You can make donations at

** All donations above $20 will receive a taxable donation receipt

At this time, we also want to remember to lean into what God is teaching us in this difficult season. We trust God completely and believe the camp ministry that happens at Gardom Lake is Kingdom work. We can rest knowing that God is in control and will be glorified, even when we can’t yet see the big picture. 

We are already brainstorming ways to make camp bigger and better in 2021. If you have any questions, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. here to set up a time to connect.

We will continue to monitor the current state of BC and follow recommendations from our local/governing Public Health when we are able to re-open safely. In the meantime, please follow our social media to stay connected with us.

We are grateful for our camp community and know that we will get through this together. On behalf of all of us here at Gardom Lake Bible Camp, we keep you in our prayers and we look forward to seeing you again at camp.

Rikk Kieft and the Gardom Lake team

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Gardom Lake FAQ - COVID Response

GLBC COVID-19 Response FAQs 

Gardom Lake is temporarily closed and running at minimum capacity while we continue to assess the ongoing virus situation. Below are some questions that you may have which we have done our best to answer. For any  further inquiries please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Is summer still happening? 

We hope so and are doing everything we can to plan for it. Unfortunately, right now we cannot see the big picture of where we will be by July, but we remain optimistic. 


What About my spring booking? 

Your spring booking is still in place for all bookings after April 15th. At that point we will be reassessing the situation and updating groups about their status at that time. 


Can I get a refund? 

Yes you can, at any time during the COVID-19 pandemic you will be able to receive a full refund. 


How do I get in touch with the camp? 

The best way to get in touch with the camp is via email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is your most direct and efficient way to get it touch. If email is not an option, you can call 1-250-838-6645 and we will do our best to get back to you. 


Should I still register for summer camp? 

Absolutely, we are still hopeful on delivering our summer program and registrations are still coming in. 


Am I able to still support Gardom Lake at this time? 

Now more than ever we rely on the generous contributions of our donors to ensure we can operate. Please feel free to give the general fund by going to our website and clicking on “donate”.


I’ve applied to volunteer, what should I do moving forward?

As we plan to deliver summer camp we will still rely heavily on our amazing volunteers. You will receive an email in April updating you on our vision for the summer. 


Is the camp still open? 

We’ve temporarily suspended our operations so for the time being, the camp and the camp office is closed. We are however, doing our best to continue work on our lodge project, and we are available by email. 


Thank you for your continued prayer, we also are continuing to pray for you. 



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Gardom Lake Apprenticeship Program

Gardom Lake has been running an apprenticeship program on our site. The Gardom Lake Apprenticeship  Program focuses on discipleship, community, learning skills and being in the Word all in our camp setting. Meet Kyle Winsby one of our valued members who has answered a couple of questions so you can get to know him better. 


Kyle Winsby 

Q: Where are you from?
A: Big City Enderby
Q: Why did you sign up for the program?
A: I signed up for the program because I wanted a Bible college styled education in a practical setting where I can actually practice what I’m learning.
Q: What is one thing that you have learned from the Gardom Lake Apprenticeship Program?
A: One thing that I’ve gained from the apprenticeship is what good spiritual discipline looks like. The program is helping us get into the rhythm of constantly being in communication with God on a day to day basis, so we’ve been studying things like prayer, meditation, and fasting.
Q: What is your favourite part of the apprenticeship?

A: My favourite part of the apprenticeship is definitely the trips. The best way for people to learn stuff is by doing stuff hands-on, so for us to study a topic and actually go out and practice it is an amazing learning opportunity!


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Gardom Lake Internship Program


Gardom Lake is excited about the new apprenticeship program currently running. This program aims to develop young leaders in their personal, and spiritual growth. So far, the apprentices took a hands-on approach to leadership by teaching school groups the fundamentals of teamwork during our Fall season and learned at the feet of great ministry/business leaders at Global Leadership Summit. While in Vancouver, these students gained a new understanding of evangelism and homeless outreach by walking the streets of East Hastings and touring Union Gospel Mission. As the winter has set in and the seasons have changed, so has the rhythm of the program. A spiritual retreat at Pines Bible Camp kickstarted the new season with a focus on silence and contemplation. Now the apprentices are experiencing spiritual disciplines and working along side Gardom Staff in a slower season of camp ministry. More trips are planned for the New Year, please continue to pray for these students as they are molded by time spent in prayer and scripture. 

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New Chairs in the Chapel

Huge Thank You for the donations that allowed us to buy chairs for the new chapel. 

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Gardom Lake 2020 Dates

Registration opens January 1st 

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Kitchen Help Needed for August 11-16

Thanks again!

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Summer 2019!

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Camp Work Progress Fall 2018

So much is happening right not at Gardom Lake. Our Lodge build is moving forward with the big step of adding the huge tank for our fire suppression system. This takes lots of work as all the lines need to be laid from up on the mountain all the way down to our Lodge in addition to pouring the huge concrete tank. We also are very excited that the upstairs addition of the Lodge is drywalled and we are looking forward to getting it painted. We also recently finished our new Sauna at the beach which is going to be amazing for use year round. Keep checking back here for more updates throughout the year! If you or someone you know would like to be involved contact us and ewe 

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Jr Staff Retreat!

Contact us for additional info, register online

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Apply For Summer Staff 2018!

The new online application is here for all Senior and Junior Staff Applications!

Follow the link to our staff page to get started: Apply for Camp Staff

Application Deadlines are as follows

Junior Staff: Hurry as we leave it open until it is full! We only have so many spaces in each session!

Senior Staff: June 23rd, 2017

Spring Leadership Team: February 14th, 2017

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